Vision & Mission

Game first approach to Web3 - We make a fun game for everyone (Freemium) than can get even more fun if you get involved in the Web3 mechanics. Mobile & Browser support for easy access.

We want to create the perfect game to deliver on Web3 promisses: Community Economics.

Social aspects

The game features a persistent city, common to all players, where you can build alliances, live and progress together. Outside the city, different types of missions are available, and they are all available in Co-op. You choose how you contribute to the city's expansion.

Decentralizing the economy

At first, the city will run under martial law, meaning the economy and governance will be handled by central command. Step by Step, season after season, the population will get more and more freedom to govern itself and organize the economy while central command takes a more secondary role :

  1. One stop shop: Surplus gear + Gunsmith + Armor Specialist + Handy man: At first, Survivors can go to central command for all their needs. They can buy military grade weapons and gear directly from the surplus store or they can ask central command to craft survival items for them by providing the right elements and materials Central command also provides shelter in the form of a tent spot

  2. Building houses: Survivors or guilds who will have purchased a NFT Land will be able to build houses on them the way they like + furnish them. Central command is no longer the only accommodation in town and players can get additional services by joining guilds : gear & weapons lending.

  3. Operating businesses: Survivors and guilds will be offered the possibility to purchase a business license such as an armory. Each license will come with a land and crafting recipes. The owners will be able to sell the crafted items (newly created NFTs) or charge for the service of crafting them for others. Central command will no longer have any surplus gear for sale, all new items in game will need to be crafted. It will only operate NPC driven crafting stores alongside shop owners to regulate market prices and ensure continuous service to the community (avoiding price fixing and local time zone availability issues)

  4. Democracy: We will build a Decentralized Autonomous Operation where we let HC holders vote for a maire and its council. For the entirety of the season, they will be the ones making key decisions about how the game plays for everyone.

Evolutive (Seasons)

We believe the key to long enjoyment of a video game is its capacity to renew itself. So every 3 months, we will be providing a new season that will expand on:

  • Content: new items players can craft, new areas to explore

  • Story: the story continues, you can discover the next episodes

  • Land: Thanks to players expanding the town, new lands will be available on the outskirts

  • Game Modes: Every season or two, a new game mode will become available. All the hard work put in gearing up will be used in a new form of adventure.

Throughout the white paper be sure to notice the season tags that clearly state when we expect each feature to be delivered:

Pre-Sales / Launch / Season 1 / Season 2 / Season 3 / Subsequent seasons

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